IFBEC joins NATO BI and Armenian Ministry of Defense at Key Leaders Engagement Day

NATO BI joined with the Armenian Ministry of Defense to host a conference on ethics in defense and aerospace.

IFBEC’s Chair Tim Schultz recently returned from a whirlwind of a trip to Armenia, where he joined NATO Building Integrity (BI)to meet with officials from the Armenian government and the region to discuss ethics in defense and aerospace. The conference brought together representatives of the Ministry and NATO with international experts, to explore the principles of integrity, transparency and accountability as factors for sustainable reforms. The discussions focused on the key role played by leaders to promote reforms.

Tim Schulz joined discussions with representatives from NATO Building Integrity and the Armenian Ministry of Defense

NATO Building Integrity and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia conducted “Key Leaders Engagement Day” as part of NATO Week 2019. The event took place in Yerevan on March 14th and focused on integrity and good governance reforms in the defense sector. Experts and participants emphasized the importance of including BI principles in educational programs of instructions, to promote BI reforms at the political level and strengthen a culture of integrity.


Left to right: Tim Schultz, Raytheon and IFBEC, BG (ret.) Enes Husejnovic, former Inspector General of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ms. Bénédicte Borel, NATO BI Programme Manager for Armenia, Mr. Georges Nurdin, author, former Dean of the Paris School of Business, Dr. Todor Tagarev, Head of the Centre for Security and Defence Management, Institute of ICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


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