Thank You Tim

Please join us in wishing farewell to our Chair, Tim Shultz, as he transitions from his leadership position with IFBEC.

Tim’s leadership has been invaluable to IFBEC throughout the last few years. IFBEC has grown in both membership and accomplishments under his leadership. Working together with our Vice-Chair, Dominique Lamoureux, this period has seen the creation of IFBEC’s public-private partnership with NATO, the addition of year-round programming on specific topics, and the publication of white papers such as the Model Business Courtesies and Hospitality Guidelines. Tim and Dominique also led a revamping of IFBEC’s digital presence with an overhaul of the IFBEC website and connecting with members in new ways via social media.

Going forward, we welcome Dominic Hall of BAE Systems as our new Chair and Courtney Wallize from the Northrop Grumman Corporation as a new Vice Chair.  Dominique Lamoureux will also be continuing as a Vice Chair, supporting with a smooth transition.  Both Dominic and Courtney have been active members of the steering committee for a number of years before taking on these new leadership roles. We are grateful for their service to the industry and look forward to their leadership.

Thank you, Tim, for all your contributions!


IFBEC Letter to Transparency International


Hensoldt Joins IFBEC